I found your post quite interesting but I'd like to offer a few counter-points:
However, the facts are that the Faithful and Discreet Slave doctrine will inevitably be discarded or in the least extremely revised, either of which produce the outcome of it evaporating as a source of authority upon the congregations and the faithful. The principal reason why the FDS doctrine is doomed is due to several factors itself which are:
The FDS doctrine is the entire cornerstone on which the religion is founded. Take that away, you take away everything. I do agree with you partially because I think the WTS will change it but not abandon it. Here is my theory (for what it's worth):
a) the belief/teaching/understanding that some of the anointed (FDS class) will be alive at the onset of the Great Tribulation through to Armageddon and that only (as the scripture says) for their own sake will the days of trouble "be cut short;"
That's easy enough to change (and I believe it will change). My guess is that with some tweaking on the current "understanding" of Revelation, they can work it so that the work of the annointed two witnesses has been completed (yet still keeping the random public preaching work). They've already waivered on whether the annointed will be here when the GT starts. And, the "chosen ones" can easily be the Great Crowd.
b) the belief/teaching/understanding that the FDS class (anointed) were sealed as of 1935;
They have already started changing that one.The current teaching doesn't have them sealed, just that the general calling has ended sometime in the mid-30's. The sealing is yet to take place and my understanding is that is to happen during the GT. So, they've got wiggle room on this portion.
c) time, old age and death
Agree on this point. The annointed replacement doctrine has allowed the last 5 GB members to be the "replacement" annointed (born after 1935). As long as they keep the sealing in the future, this doctrine "works".
Choice A: Would probably include both an abandoment of the 1935 marker and the admission/revision that Revelation's 144,000 is NOT a literal number but represents symbolically "fullfillment" or "perfection of order." However, the likely consequence of that action would be for many more of Jehovah's Witnesses to express a Heavenly Hope placing them in the anointed class. This much larger group of anointed are going to demand more authority and recognize the falsity of the GB/FDS doctrine.
I actually think this choice is exactly what will happen. The 1935 marker is almost worthless (see the newest members of the GB). I could see dropping the literal number of 144k but if its done correctly over a series of WT studies followed up by CO talks & CA/DC parts, it could be managed to keep the folks expressing a heavenly calling to a minimum. They really don't have any power so its probably a non-issue.
The future of the WTBTS is to remove the religious facade and publicly reveal its true nature that developed in the 20th Century which is that it is a Publishing Corporation.
That's already started a few years ago with removing the GB from the WTBTS board and the reorg. My personal theory is that they will start charging for literature and paying taxes due to the reduction in contributions.
actually don't quite understand the first portion AuldSoul. It seems like you are saying that the GB doubt the sincerity or don't believe that current memorial partakers are part of the heavenly class. I have never seen any info or evidence of that. While a few may be questioned or challenged, most are accepted as anointed - at least to their own claim.
I agree with AuldSoul on this point. I've lived in several states over the years and the general attitude of the congreation, elders and COs is that the younger annointed are nuts. They are viewed with suspicion. Statements in the WT seem to echo this point by using the pharse "genuine annointed". In private conversations with COs, they have stated to me that Brooklyn believes the number of real annointed is much lower than 8k.
The fact that the anointed as a body do not have any real power or involvement with "feeding the household" spiritual food is one which is dawning more and more upon Jehovah's Witnesses.
That's mostly lip service. The majority of JWs that I know believe that the GB is the really the only portion of the annointed that is being used as God's channel.
After the Revolution, those having a Heavenly Hope will be much more numerous and many Jehovah's Witnesses will have the hope to live in the Earthly Paradise. But all will become partakers in the Eucharist.
Why do you say that? I'm assuming because being annointed will be a non-issue? That would be a huge doctrinal change. Not saying that it couldn't happen but that would be a shock to most. Again it could be managed just like all the other changes in history.
(4) The organization shows a willingness to publicly claim beliefs to which Jehovah's Witnesses do not actually subscribe in order to improve public image (see Lisa's interview with J.R. Brown), while retaining the same hard-line beliefs in reality.
One of the factors impelling the Revolution is the greater access to information and greater transparency and consistency. As more JWs and outsiders learn about these discrepancies they will see the need to change. The point you raise above will produce consequences that motivate reform, it is not a barrier to it.
I agree with your comments and think to some extent, the consequences of folks leaving will push some limited reform. Just think it won't involving the entire foundation on which the organization lives.
The pressures for reform are not all going to be from the top of the present hierarchy. There will be other internal pressures and external pressures.
Totally agree with this point. Why change the status quo if you're in charge?
I also agree with you that the exodus currently taking place in the West and even the once model county of Japan have the potential to force some reform. I also agree that JWs will not ever be mainstream and are conditioned to accept change due to the new light doctrine (which honestly is a stroke of genius).
On to your factors of change:
1 - Internet - In my opinion, the most influencial force in showing rank & file some of the errors the WTS has made. I once thought there was no way anyone would be able to convience me JWs didn't have the truth. I've gone around & around with "apostates". Yet, one session on the internet completely changed my mind. That's because it was the Society's own words that did them in. So, I'm in agreement with your thought and if reform DOES happen, the internet will be a driving force.
Factor #2: Higher Education - The Birthplace of the Questioning Mind
The doors were opened for a little over 10 years. I missed it but am making up for it now. Your points are valid and this is the reason the WTS has demonized college again. The interesting thing is that even "strong" members of the congregation are completely ignoring the instructions to not send their kids to college. Once the barn door was opened, there is no going back. What I disagree with you on is the folks that who learned critical thinking skills are going to stay in the organization and fight for reform. The penalty for speaking ones mind is harsh and swift. Unless that changes, there will be no revolution. I thought I could make a difference at one point. I can't, not in a large way. I can make a difference in my family, that's about it. I'm not going to waste my time and energy in reform efforts. Your theory rests on the assumption that once people find out the "truth about the truth" that they will stay & fight for change instead of dropping out. I've been around long enough to know that the fight is hopeless.
Factor #3: The Leadership Void
I agree there is a leadership void and the org is almost looking for someone to take over. I think its more likely that a charismatic leader could emerge (like Franz) but I'm afraid that instead of making reasonable reforms (blood, shunning, ect) the changes would be even more radical and cultlike. But, I'm a pessimist!
Factor #4: The Doctrinal Void
Again, we all can see that your statement is true. Probably due to #3. That's way I think any reform would be for the worst and push the organization towards a more radical stance instead of a more mainstream stance. I think we both agree that they need to do something to stem the tide of discontent, if they even reconize it.
Factor #5: External Pressures
I do believe the blood doctrine will be changed due to the external pressures you mention. And, the way child abuse cases have been dealt with has already changed somewhat and I would expect that to change as well. But, for the most part, JWs don't care about the external pressures and I'm quite certain leadership is only concerned about any legal issues. They'll adapt where legally necesarry and keep hammering the God's channel card.
In closing, please understand that I would love to see meaningful reform. All my family (on both sides) are JWs. All my close friends. I'm a life long JW who has spent much time and energy in service to the organization thinking I was doing God's will. I feel like a fool for being taken in. And I believe that is the major obstacle to reform. Once you learn the "truth about the truth", you tend to be angry, hurt, betrayed. If this is God's organization, only He can fix it. If it's not, why bother?